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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 1/1/2024



Welcome to Trap Haus™ Boston! This Privacy Policy governs the collection, utilization, and disclosure of user information by Trap Haus™ Boston, hosted on the Wix platform. The following elucidates the precise practices to which users expressly consent by accessing or utilizing our website.


1. Information Collection:

1.1 Membership Information: Upon initiation of membership, Trap Haus™ Boston may acquire personal information encompassing, but not limited to, names, email addresses, dates of birth, and contact details. Such data is exclusively employed for membership-related benefits and to enhance the user experience.

1.2 Automatically Collected Information: Trap Haus™ Boston systematically gathers specific data during website visits, including IP addresses, browser types, device specifications, and usage patterns. This information serves analytical purposes to improve services and augment overall website functionality.


2. Use of Information:

2.1 Personalization: Collected data is employed to customize user experiences, refining services and content based on user preferences and interests.

2.2 Communication: Contact information may be utilized for disseminating newsletters, promotional materials, and updates related to Trap Haus™ Boston. Users possess the unequivocal right to opt-out of such communications.

2.3 Advertising: Trap Haus™ Boston may collaborate with advertising partners and sponsors, sharing membership information to facilitate targeted advertisements. Such information sharing is contingent upon explicit user consent.

2.4 Retargeting: Visitors may be subject to retargeting strategies, including ad displays on various online platforms, designed to enhance audience engagement.


3. Information Sharing:

3.1 Third-Party Partners: User information may be shared with third-party partners, such as advertisers and sponsors, to facilitate promotions, offers, and targeted advertising. However, the sale of personal information requires explicit user consent.

3.2 Legal Compliance: Trap Haus™ Boston reserves the right to disclose information if mandated by law, legal process, governmental request, or to safeguard rights, privacy, safety, or property.


4. User Choices:

4.1 Opt-Out: Users possess the right to opt-out of receiving promotional communications from Trap Haus™ Boston via provided unsubscribe options or by direct contact.

4.2 Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Cookie preferences may be managed through browser settings; however, disabling certain cookies may impact website functionality.


5. Miscellaneous:

5.1 Additional Use: Trap Haus™ Boston retains the prerogative to employ user information for any other legal purpose permissible under Massachusetts law.

5.2 Updates to Privacy Policy: This Privacy Policy may undergo periodic updates to reflect alterations in practices. Users are responsible for regular review.


By utilizing Trap Haus™ Boston, users acknowledge comprehension and acceptance of this Privacy Policy. For inquiries or concerns, please contact us at

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